Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday: Covid Update 11
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
They are trying to force children under 12 to get the vaccine!! All of this is all about control. The vaccine contains polyethylene glycol which drills holes in the blood brain barrier (BBB) and causes heart inflammation. This is literally a gimmick promising a miracle but failing to deliver. The side effects can be worse than the risk of the actual virus, especially in the elderly. Our civil liberties are be circumvented, by Big Pharma and by people in power who have no intention of good intentions. Our freedom, our rights, our guns, our trade, and our health have all been compromised and we have the right as a free country to say no, just like others have the right to take the vaccine if they so chose. We cannot allow our basic rights to be taken away because someone says so. We are still a free country, with basic rights that are by law ours.
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday: Why America Is Sick?
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Herbs and More and NHC in Killen is committed to making America healthy one person at a time. Take personal responsibility by providing your body nutrients to support cellular reproduction. Make the decision to supplement your diet with the nutrients you aren't receiving. Our soil has been depleted of the nutrients and minerals our body needs since 1936, which is not a commonly known fact. America is alarmingly sick because we are not eating properly, and we spend more money on prescription drugs than any other nation combined. The richest companies in America are the pharmaceutical companies whose business is in treating the symptom not the disease. There is a healthy approach. We have many natural solutions to health problems that we would love to share with you. We have the Healthy Joint Combo which is Ultra Joint Health and MSM+C that helps rebuild bone density and cartilage, lubricates joints, helps eliminate inflammation and overall pain. Come into Herbs and More, NHC in Killen, and Reflections in Lawrenceburg and receive 25% off the Healthy Joint Combo when you mention you heard it on Today's Health Update.
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday School 120
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
For Christ pleased not himself. Yet Satan tempts us to do just that and only that. Satan was the great deceiver, he used his words to trip us up. Satan says to Eve, "Surely he did not say you could not eat from any tree in the garden." He deceived them into breaking god's will. Christ came to bring salvation back from us turning our back on his father. He took a step down to Earth, for his glory was of a higher power. Through mighty signs and wonders he humbly served the world and his father and then left us with his holy spirit to comfort us.
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday: Feel The Difference
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Here at Herbs and More, NHC in Killen and Reflections in Lawrenceburg we believe in natural health care supplements. A healthy approach to living is important and you can feel the difference. Our Healthy Nutrient Combo is the MSM+C and Ultimate Fruits and Veggies. The all organic cold pressed nutrient formula with prebiotics & probiotics and more than 5 servings of fruits and veggies that you could never get enough of by just eating healthy is just what the doctor ordered. MSM+C is our beauty, and total body restructuring supplement. MSM+C helps your bones, lubricates your joints, helps your body on a cellular level but also supports collagen increase, hair growth, a more youthful appearance, and helps you have stronger fingernails. Both are alkalizing formulas that help keep the acidity levels down in your body. Come into to Herbs and More in Athens, NHC in Killen or Reflections in Lawrenceburg and receive 50% off your bottle of Ultimate Fruits and Veggies when buying one of our best selling products, MSM+C at full price!
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday: Covid Update
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
The secret government and the agenda has become scary. Their tactics are to scare people and make them more willing to obey their agenda. This vaccine has polyethylene glycol which has numerous side effects to include 1. irritation of the colon 2. a sleep disorder 3. excessive thirst 4. nausea 5. vomiting 6. stomach cramps 7. abdominal bloating 8. a feeling of general discomfort called malaise 9. intense abdominal pain 10. upper abdominal pain. They made sure they can not be held liable for side effects or any wrongful deaths that have occurred by the vaccine act. Only 6.2 percent of the people who died from "Covid actually tested positive". The death rate during the pandemic did increase due to suicide however. The government lying to us is nothing new. With artificial sweeteners, gmos (genetically modified food) and the false promise of opoids being miracle drugs that are non addictive of course they expect us to line up for the vaccine.
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday: Bowel Health
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
The bowels and guts are where true health begins. If you are not eliminating properly, toxins build up in the body causing the body to be sick. Antibiotics do not help the gut, even if they help the infection. Taking probiotics and digestive aids can help reverse damage that antibiotics and chemicals have done to your digestive tract. We have probiotics that have 7 to 8 strains of active cultures. PB8 is our best selling brand with 8 billion strains and a wide range of good bacteria specifically formulated to help improve good gut health. We have Regular which has good bacteria, fiber, that supplements and supports high qualities of the health of your gut. We have Super Enzymes that supplement the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Moving Experience is the best product we have for people who have continuous problems with constipation. It is a supplement with herbs, probiotics strains, and other enzymes that is designed to help eliminate constipation problems for good.
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday: Trauma Comfrey
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Have you heard the healing power of a plant named comfrey? It has so many benefits like soothing pain, antibacterial properties, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, is helpful with poison oak and poison ivy, and helps skin to look beautiful and youthful. The comfrey we have is in a salve form called Trauma Comfort!
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday School: Judge Not
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Let us not judge one another anymore. Do not get into debates over things that are not important and get excited about God's word. There is a solution to every problem in God's word if we pray and meditate on it. Do not fall for the lies of the Anti Christ.
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday: Truth & Discounts
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
When you run a business, you have to make a profit or you can't stay open. In order for us to stay open and help people regain a healthful body and rebuild people on a cellular level we are going to have to drop a lot of our discounts. After the first of August all of our discounts are going away for first time buyers, if you hear it on the radio we will give you 20%, and our five star program discount is going to go down to 20% for 300 points. We have many great products that will help you stay as healthy as possible, like our Healthy Immune Combo which is IS3 and MSM+C. IS3 is great for pH balancing the body and boosting the immune system and helps with a number of afflictions. MSM+C which also boosts the immune system and IS3 are are great combo and if you come into Herbs and More, NHC in Killen, and Reflections in Lawrenceburg TN and tell them you heard about it on Today's Health Update and receive 20% off!
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday: Protecting Our Freedom
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
We don't live in a dictatorship yet we live in a Republic yet we are watching the fall of the American Republic. Everything that has happened in the past year has been part of a plan for many, many years. They can't take away our civil liberties, they can't force us to take a vaccine, they can't even back their numbers or the true cause. Don't fall for it, United We Stand Divided We Fall.