Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday: Covid Update 122
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Are you tired of the lies? Do we want to believe and buy into the scheme to keep us enslaved? The way they maintain control is through fear and well planned out manipulation.
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday School 122
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
And God said let there be light, and there was light. But it was not the sun, because he hadn't created it yet. Then what was the light he created or who was the light? Lucky guess, pretty sure it was Jesus.
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday: Lies & Sickness
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Show me a drug that actually heals the human body? They treat the symptom but not the root cause. If you do not strengthen your body a cellular level, your body will start to break down. You have to put in the proper nutrients, and supplements in your body to reproduce and make healthy cells. Do you want to reach your full cellular potential? Come into Herbs and More in Athens, NHC in Killen, or Reflections in Lawrenceburg TN and ask them about the benefits of MSM+C, Cell Power and Super Silica and our other great supplements and help leave your sickness behind.
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday: Burt Goulding & Auto Immune
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Do you know what your body is really up to when you have Auto Immune? Are your cells reproducing properly and healthy? Your body has normal functioning but is literally being told by your cells to produce a response that is not necessary. In order to get your cells to communicate properly you can use Silica drops 4 to 6 times a day for a period of time to help stop unnecessary responses. Cell Power and Super Silica both help pH balance the body, and help your bodies cellular mitosis (which is cell reproduction) produce healthy cells rather than damaged ones.
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday: Store Up
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Have you tried MSM+C, Ultimate Fruit and Veggies, or our Vitamin D5000? If you haven't you are missing out on these products that help your body, gives you the nutrients and vitamins you wont find elsewhere, and your immune system. Who would not want their body to rebuild their body on a cellular level, get all the nutrients they need, and boost their immune system?
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday: Covid Update
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Why can you not get hydroxychloroquine as a prescription? Yet people are dying and having severe complications from the vaccine. How can you force people to wear a mask without a mandate? With all the censorship and violation of civil rights it is hard to believe they have our best interests at heart.
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday School 121
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Are we going to believe in Jesus Christ, or are we not? With smooth talking flattery, it can be easy to follow the crowd. But the true treasure comes in being faithful to Christ.
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday: Repeating Failure
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
The nations of the world are being deceived by sorcery. They want us to be addicted to prescription medications, and they do not care if we spend our last dollar trying to be healed. Yet they haven't cured a disease. We cannot be lukewarm, we have to stand for something. We cannot treat the symptom and not the root of the problem. We will be judged by the way we judge others. Don't fall for the circle therapy that keeps us in trapped in the vicious cycle of treating the symptoms. Hold others and yourself accountable to the truth. Don't let the lies ruin this country. Don't be a slave to the lender. Passing more laws will not stop criminals from committing crimes. Put God first, and watch the rest of your life and our country follow suit.
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday: Injury Relief
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Our Healthy Pain Combo is a dynamite combination of our best product that we believe everyone should be on from birth to death, MSM+C and Relief which is an amazing supplement that helps reduce pain and inflammation. MSM+C helps rebuild the body at a cellular level, increases bone density, helps reverse free radical damage, lubricates joints and helps alleviate pain. Relief is a unique proprietary blend that is specifically formulated for relief inflammation in muscles, joints and places in the body of prior injury. Together these two products help relieve inflammation and rebuild the body at a cellular level, which is could be exactly what you need for your pain issues. Come by Herbs and More in Athens, NHC in Killen, or Reflections in Lawrenceburg and receive 20% off if you mention you heard it on the radio.
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday: Covid Update 11
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
They are trying to force children under 12 to get the vaccine!! All of this is all about control. The vaccine contains polyethylene glycol which drills holes in the blood brain barrier (BBB) and causes heart inflammation. This is literally a gimmick promising a miracle but failing to deliver. The side effects can be worse than the risk of the actual virus, especially in the elderly. Our civil liberties are be circumvented, by Big Pharma and by people in power who have no intention of good intentions. Our freedom, our rights, our guns, our trade, and our health have all been compromised and we have the right as a free country to say no, just like others have the right to take the vaccine if they so chose. We cannot allow our basic rights to be taken away because someone says so. We are still a free country, with basic rights that are by law ours.