Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday - Taking Control of Digestion
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Did you know that stress can lead to various digestive issues in the body? Those who are under constant pressure from everyday life may find that they are suffering from common disorders such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and can't seem to explain why. They may try to blame it on their diet or a simple bacterial infection. In some cases this can be the cause, but not always. Roy gives us his own remedy to this issue, through herbs of course! Tune in to today's radio show to learn how you can put yourself at ease and live a less stressful, pain-free life!
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday - Valasta Stopping the Cause
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Today, Roy and Burt will be talking about... you guessed it! Valasta! By now you may already be aware of some of the perks of taking this product that have been discussed on the radio. Some of these include reduced inflammation, free radical damage prevention, blood sugar support for type two diabetics, etc,. They will be elaborating more on these benefits and what else Valasta can do for you on today's radio show!
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday - Real Health Common Sense
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Roy and Janmarie talk all things COVID, the vaccine, and the surprising effects that it can have on your body long-term. Some people may not even begin to speculate that as a possibility, but it's true. Maybe not in all cases, but most. If this sounds interesting or appeals to you in any way, join today's radio show to hear more!
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday - Monday School 2 Peter Chapter 2 Verse 11 Through 22
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Join Roy in today's Monday School for more wisdom and insight on God's word! Always put him first in everything you do and you will be blessed. Life is a gift and it should be treasured as such. Don't wait another day! Listen now to hear more!
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday - Freedom Fridays 16
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Roy is back again with today's Freedom Friday! This week, he is continuing to discuss and break down the Fourteenth Amendment and what it means for us United States citizens. If you haven't yet, join him to hear more!
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Thursday - On the Cutting Edge
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
The pharmaceutical industry will always try to lead us away from natural medicine and the potential that it carries for us and our health. Instead, they would rather make a synthetic form of something to treat your issues, when the whole time they only set out to harm you further. They only want to tell you lies and what they think you want to hear, but know that herbs are ALWAYS the way to go! We at Herbs and More and NHC carry our own products which we have formulated and offered over the years that are known to aid in a variety of issues. Roy tells us more about some of these products and their specific uses in today's radio show!
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday - Valasta Clinicals
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Roy and Sam are back this week to discuss our most recently introduced product, Valasta! With its steady increase in popularity, this formula has taken those who have tried this product aback with its potency. The powerful carotenoid is extracted directly from the algae that is grown right out of Valasta's facility. This is one of the biggest factors that separates Valasta from other astaxanthin products on the market. Valasta has been known to help those who are diabetic with blood sugar levels, specifically people that have been diagnosed with type two diabetes. It has also been shown to help those with minor to severe heart issues, high cholesterol, and tons more! Join today's radio show for more on this revolutionary newness!
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday - Vision Support
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
With age, if not properly taken care of, parts of our body and other aspects of our health start to slowly deteriorate. Sometimes, we can even be properly nourishing and taking care of our bodies, but things happen that are out of our control. Though this is a normal occurrence, that doesn't always mean we expect it or that we wanted it to happen. Today, Roy and Burt will be specifically discussing vision and what you can do to support your overall eye health. Join today for more info!
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Monday - Monday School 2 Peter Chapter 2 Through Verse 10
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
We hope you had a great memorial holiday! What better way to refresh your week than with Monday school! Better late than never right? Join Roy as he continues with the book of 2 Peter. He will also be going more into depth about the first, second, and third Earth Ages in these next couple of weeks to give us a clearer understanding of the Bible. You won't want to miss out!
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday: Freedom Fridays 15
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Wanna know how to destroy a society? Take everyone's rights away! The government only longs to make us dependent on them for everything so that way we no longer have a choice or say so in anything. There is still time, though it may seem like it's futile. Join Roy today to hear more!